Watch Fred's Presentation at Cornell
In a 15-minute presentation, Fred explains how and why honey from Flow-Supers has been proven superior in aroma and flavor.
"A Master Beekeeper's Critique of the Flow-Hive"
If you plan to purchase a Flow-Hive, or Flow-Super for the first time, here is a coupon that saves you $50 on your purchase. The benefit to me is that I also receive a $50 credit towards my next flow-gear.
I have been successfully using flow-hives and flow-supers since 2015/2016, I purchased my first flow-super through the indigogo campaign in 2015.
Please avoid fakes, here are links to real Flow-Hives at $50.00 off:
To access my entire Flow-Hive Playlist on YouTube, including the latest updates, please follow this link: