We all want to find something that can help our honey bees winter better.
I've been evaluation Hive Alive as an additive to sugar-syrup when starting a new swarm or package of honey bees. There has been a noted reduction in nosema spores.
There may be other benefits to using Hive Alive.
I will continue to test, compare, and share results.
Starting in the winter of 2021, through 2022, I placed HiveAlive Fondant on 50% of my honey bee colonies as an emergency resource.
As of winter 2023/2024, the results have been significant in improving winter survival. I now have fondant packets on 100% of my Langstroth Style Hives during winter.
Hive Alive has agreed to offer a discount to my viewers:
FRED10 will get you a discount off of HiveAlive, or HiveAlive Fondant.
This link will also result in a discount for any Hive Alive Products
Always follow the science:
This is the full article regarding Long Term effects of the HiveAlive food supplement.