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All photography on this page and throughout the site is by Frederick Dunn, all rights reserved. Please allow ALL image thumb nails to load before trying to click on them, or they won't enlarge. Please e-mail if you have an interest in having a high resolution print, I also offer custom framing and matting services. Prints can be as large as 12 x 18, up to 20 x 30 case by case. See my non-poultry related photography at www.FrederickDunn.com
Regarding Chickens cover girl Shannon Singer, stopped at the poultry tent to share her enthusiasm for fancy fowl! |
This Buff Laced Polish pullet was an obvious favorite, shown here in the arms of Jr. Miss Erie County Fair, Rachel Gollhardt, on Rachel's right is Amy Ellsworth, the Miss Erie County Fair Princess. |
Amy, Shannon (holding a bearded Belgian d'Uccle hen) and Rachel |
Nothing captivates little ones more, than the site of baby ducklings! Many parents were dragged to see "duckies" over and over again. Thank goodness the weather was warm enough for them. |
This is Andrea, she came to visit every day during the fair, sharing all her interesting farm stories. |
This Leghorn Cockerel belongs to Jr. Exhibitor Michael Scott... Michael literally ran laps around the tent yelling "yessss!" when he saw this blue ribbon! Next year, Michael has a title to defend ("> |
Rachel made several rounds through the poultry tent, always taking time to greet visitors and as in this photo, share special moments with small children. |
Shameless video promo! Do you have YOUR copy yet?! |
Yes, I painted poultry on arms and faces! |
This child's expression says it all |
People frequently ask me if I have ever entered my birds in the County Fair, or if they have ever won anything...
Well, this year, I decided to put some birds on display and share my stock with fair visitors. I entered nine birds and there were more than 250 other entries of various breeds. To my surprise, all nine of my entries were awarded best of breed respectively. Two of those were selected as Grand Champions in their class, Large Standard and Bantam. So, yes, they have received awards/ribbons. I have to say though, they are much happier back on range again, after being in cages for a week of showing. Enjoy the pictures, which were taken after the birds arrived back home. Even the birds I selected for show, were not kept off range to preserve their excellent appearance, they ran with the rest of the flock right up until the show (Cooping In).
The best of breed blue ribbon winners were:
S.C. Rhode Island Red Bantam Rooster, S.C. Rhode Island Red Bantam Hen, Bantam Partridge Plymouth Rock Cockerel, Bantam Partridge Plymouth Rock Pullet, Silver Sebright Pullet, Large Standard S.C. Rhode Island Red Cockerel, Large Standard S.C. Rhode Island Red Hen, Bantam Dark Brahma Cockerel, Bantam Dark Brahma Hen.
S.C. Rhode Island Red Cockerel |
Sally Sebright |
Bearded Belgian d'Uccle Mille Fleur |
Check out the Crested Fowl! These birds are amazingly tame... they are however, absolutely dependent on their keepers. Crested birds on open range, are, due to their limited peripheral vision, easy prey for hawks (they simply don't see them coming).
Silver Laced Cochin raising RIR chicks. |
Nine week old Rhode Island Reds in a newly constructed coop. |
Hatching Eggs in School |
Ranging chickens |
S.C. Rhode Island Red Cockerel |
Bearded Belgian d'Uccle Bantam, Mille Fleur |
Bantam Partridge Plymouth Rock Cockerel |
S.C. Rhode Island Red Bantam Cockerel |
S.C. Standard (large) Rhode Island Red Cockerel |
3 day old RIR Bantams |
Bantam Rhode Island Red Hen, she actually has 7 more chicks hidden in her feathers! |
Portrait of a young RIR Standard Cockerel, not quite 9 months old. |
Bantam RIR's take a look outside. Hen and Cockerel, both are under 6 months old. |
Fully matured "Alpha" Rooster. BIG RED is three years old and going strong! |
This RIR rooster has taken his hens to range on a freshly cultivated field. |
This is a full grown RIR Bantam Rooster, very friendly and curious birds. Some love to be handled, while others make a dash! |
Bantam Rooster's tail feathers. |
Quail Belgian D'anvers Cockerel |
Kale, a fall staple for chickens! |
prime dusting area |
Black Tailed Japanese and Mille Fluer booted Bantams |
Dark Brahma hen with adopted chicks of various varieties. |
Rhode Island Red Hens scoping out the rhubarb patch. |
Black tailed Japanese and Mille Fleur booted bantam |
Partridge Rock bantam cockerel |
Kale patch |
A bantam rooster with his best friend ("> |
Widely ranging/foraging birds!