If you have a fairly quick internet connection, click on the video below and see an overview of the DVD Regarding Chickens Also, feel free to join my YouTube Channel to see the latest at Fred's Fine Fowl
Read about this DVD in Backyard Poultry Magazine Reviewed by: Beverly Hills Publicist Tommy Garrett August/September 2007 pg 62 & 63 Just For Fun: Publicist Finds Serenity Relaxing With His Flock www.BackyardPoultryMag.com
UPC 0 94922 64158 8 Made in the United States Copyright registered with the United States Library of Congress
Regarding Chickens
A full length, comprehensive educational DVD for backyard enthusiasts, 4-H, Teachers, ABA/APA Youth and those who just plain enjoy knowing about chickens and want to start off right.
Learn all about hatching and raising chickens before you make your purchase, or adopt the neighbor's abandoned birds. This how-to DVD was more than 7 months in the making, comprising over 2 hours & 50 minutes of valuable guides related to raising chickens today.
Developed with the educator in mind, each segment is broken down by chapters and sub-menus which makes locating and viewing your specific area of interest a snap. You don't have to sit through the entire film to arrive at the desired topic.
1) Introduction to successfully hatching, rearing, keeping, ranging, feeding and housing one of the most familiar country animals... The Chicken.
2) Purchasing mail order chicks, preparing for their arrival and improving their chances of survival.
3) Selecting appropriate hatching eggs, preparing them for incubation and the incubation process with popular table top units for the hobbyist. Stressing the importance of proper sanitizing practices.
4) Brooding newly hatched chicks. Proper heating, feeding, watering and general care of chicks through their critical growth phases.
5) Hatching eggs beneath the broody hen and introducing them to the established flock.
6) Candling eggs, what to look for and when to remove eggs which are not developing properly.
7) Documentary coverage of chicks, from their first week in the brooder, to their first visit to the great outdoors, see them become a part of the ranging flock.
8) Discussion of various feed types and composition. Appropriate feeding for various critical stages of development in a chickens life. What's detrimental or beneficial, how ranging may be the best possible diet for your flock.
9) Proper housing elements, including heated water systems, structure considerations, access for tenders and proper site placement.
10) Interviews with the experts: A series of interviews with experts in the poultry industry, including how to properly collect, store and "hard-cook" the delicate proteins found in the magnificent egg! Selective breeding for improvement of your flock. Considering birds for the "Fancy" with a APA/ABA Master Breeder/Master Exhibitor. Hear from Dr Dunn, one of the nations' leading avian pathologists, regarding poultry health.
11) General observations of chicken behavior on open range. Mating, jousting for rank and position, defensive mothering, interaction with visitors and foraging practices. How dogs may benefit your chickens as guardians, their mere presence can be enough to curb Fox, Coyotes and other wild predators.
12) Gardening for chickens, the importance of natural fertilization, avoiding chemicals and protecting plants from your birds. Which garden produce do chickens prefer and which are best for them!
REGARDING CHICKENS is also available through these fine retailers: